A photographer of architecture.
Julius Shulman (1910-2009) did more to popularize modern architecture than any architect. His key output during the 1940-70 period made Los Angeles architects like Richard Neutra (“Noy-tra”) and Rudolph Schindler justifiably famous.
Shulman’s memorable picture of the Stahl House is one of the greatest architectural photographs taken.

The Stahl House.
In a fascinating documentary – currently on Netflix streaming in the US but next week, who knows? – Shulman describes how he took the picture, exposing for the flash lit interior then giving a long exposure for the background. The documentary is fascinating if you are a photographer and is titled ‘Visual Acoustics: The Modernism of Julius Shulman’.
There’s a fine book on his work which I have in my library and recommend if architectural photography interests you.
You can see my book library by clicking here.
Update July 7, 2015:
Well, what kept you?

The video documentary, Visual Acoustics – The Art of Julius Shulman, remains available on Netflix.