Have fun, kids

A little joy.

Someone has painted these jolly faces on the wall of this long deserted laundry in a heavily Hispanic area of San Mateo. Guarded by a fence, I sneaked around the back and got up close and personal.

Taken on the Nikon D2x at ISO 100 with the 55mm Micro Nikkor, which makes for a 90mm focal length on the D2x’s APS-C sensor. This is a wonderful and very inexpensive portraiture and street combination. The ‘pro’ quality D2x may be ancient by digital standards, but remains better than 99% of the gear used by ‘serious’ digital snappers. Decent bodies can be found for under $600 and the Micro Nikkor I used here cost me $62 plus another $30 for the CPU. The D2x will outlive you, no matter how young you are.