A precious moment.
Date: November, 2013
Place: The CJM on Mission Street, SF
Modus operandi: Stroke of luck
Weather: SF afternoon sun
Gear: Panasonic GX7, 14-45mm kit zoom
GPS: Click the image
Me: Loking forward to a pastrami on rye at Wise Bros Deli in the CJM
My age: 61

When she was alive, my mother (1915 – 2003) never hesitated to remind me that I was the outcome of 15 centuries of documented Christianity, documents which sadly went up in the inferno we know as Blitzkrieg.
Yet, as a former denizen of that most anti-Semitic of nations – Poland – she never hesitated to inculcate in me a deep admiration of Jews. As a child I thought nothing of this. What child cares about ethnicity, after all? Then as I made my way in the business world in New York and most especially at Salomon Brothers, the genius of her insight was made clear. How could one not hew to a nation so disproportinately represented in the worlds of art, music, finance and science? Oy vey, and in economics and psychoanalysis.
Snapped, appropriately enough, outside San Francisco’s Contemporary Jewish Museum, an exemplar of art and culture in that most cultured of American cities, San Francisco.
Panny GX7, kit zoom, magic light courtesy of the City by the Bay.

“Oy Vey” Traffic Sign on the Williamsburg Bridge in Brooklyn, NY.
Beautiful. Thank you.