Either someone at Canon has a great sense of humor or they need better English-speaking programmers
I checked out the Canon software that came with the 5D; it’s not bad but doesn’t seem to add much to my preferred working method which is to drop all the files into an iPhoto ’06 album (RAW included), preview them in iPhoto, then fix the best ones in Photoshop for saving in Extensis Portfolio 7 in PSD format – the industrial strength, bulletproof cataloging application I use.
Here’s what I saw in a couple of menus in Digital Photo Professional, a Canon application far less competent than iPhoto for quick image manipulation, and very slow in converting from RAW:

Now do these guys at Canon have a sense of humor or what?
By the way, a RAW file saves as 8.4 mB in JPG, 36.4 mB in 8-bit TIFF and a whopping 72.8 mB in 16-bit TIFF.