16:9 is really tall!
As I mentioned earlier, I’m getting more serious about using the full frame in widescreen format. That is what the Panasonic Lumix LX-1 delivers and it’s really a pretty exciting experience to see images this wide …. or tall.
Here’s my 2006 Halloween picture – no drama. Just one lonely, uncarved pumpkin lolling around in the lovely afternoon light, minding its own business. A Hopper pumpkin, if you like.

By contrast, this sad scene of an abandoned toy in an alleyway, snapped seconds later, is in monochrome, to heighten the feeling of that moment:

Snapped while strolling with Bert the Border Terrier, which confirms that the only good camera is the one you have with you. Or, in the case of the LX-1, the one you have just whipped out of your pocket.