Mooching about in the Bay Area
This one’s a tad unusual for me.
First, I actually used the LCD screen to frame it on the Lumix LX1; indoors, it’s usable.
Second, the reason I had to use it is that my glued on viewfinder only frames accurately (well, sort of in the ballpark, if you get my drift) at the 28mm setting and here I had to zoom the lens all the way out to 100mm to get the composition right.
Shades of the Leica M2 and the 90mm, but much quieter!
I cranked the ISO up to 200 (400 is really too grainy) and held the camera as steady as I could.

Lumix LX1, 200 ISO, 1/13th, f/4.9. Processed in Aperture.
The Panasonic’s image stabilizer did its job as best it could and the result is more pointillist than blurred; the palm in the foreground was pure luck and the Lumix’s native 16:9 aspect ratio doesn’t hurt either.
Well, I didn’t know what would come out and the sparse color palette is my sort of thing.