Memory is a strange thing
I wrote about the photography of the Dane Keld Helmer-Petersen here. His work deeply affected my sense of color and line when I was a boy and I had occasion to reflect on this when processing a batch of snaps from Laguna Seca racetrack, where I spent a pleasant day this week.
This was not one of those big events with high entry costs and unwashed, polyester-clad crowds emblazoned with Ferrari logos. Rather, this weekday event was purely amateur (though some of the budgets are far from amateur) and afforded the chance of getting close to drivers and cars, the latter mostly from the ’60s and ’70s. Back from the days when men were men and knew how to die in a race car.
Anyway, after sifting through my snaps, I came across one I rather liked:

Now where had I seen this before? Ah, yes, KH-P did it some sixty years ago:

Memory is a strange thing ….