A day at the vintage meet is always fun
Mention of my love of Ferraris in yesterday’s piece prompts me to post a few snaps from a vintage meet at Laguna Seca taken a few weeks back. All on the 5D with 50mm or 85mm lenses, processed in Aperture. ‘Processing’ is a bit overstated. I drop the snaps into Aperture, press the Edge Sharpen preset to counter the 5D’s strong anti-aliasing filter, crop a tad if needed, and maybe mess with the shadows and highlights sliders. I have the 5D set to underexpose by half a stop at all times and that approach really cooks in bright sunlight where blown highlights are the order of the day with digital sensors.
As you can see, red holds no fears for me.

250 Testa Rossa

Alfa Romeo


Prancing Horse

550 Maranello


250 Birdcage

To Catch a Thief

I cannot say enough good things about Canon’s 50mm f/1.4 and 85mm f/1.8 EF lenses used to take these. Superbly accurate autofocus, lovely contrast and color constancy between them, and insanely inexpensive to boot. Sufferers with cheap zooms should check these out to see what great optics are all about.
I totally agree about Canon’s wonderful primes. People who haven’t tried them just don’t know.