Always carry a camera….
I remember hearing that advice when I was still wearing short trousers.
“Always Carry a Camera”.
Often I have thought that it’s like the English invocation to always carry an umbrella. Whenever you do, nothing happens.
Then again, sometimes you come across a little bit of magic and it all seems worthwhile. Sometimes it actually rains.

Paint Job. Lumix LX1, 1/200, f/4, ISO 100. Processed in Lightroom in Widescreen format
Always carrying a camera became a lot easier with today’s pocketable digital marvels. No one could accuse my street shooter of days past, the Leica M, of being pocketable. And you certainly do not want to try this with a DSLR. As Mae West might have said: “Is that a Leica in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?”
The Leica lens (so some continuity there, I suppose) in the Lumix LX1 suffers from red chromatic aberration (visible in large prints), easily removed with Lightroom’s built-in controls. That and a tad of noise reduction to counter the small sensor’s interference, does the trick in seconds. Another three seconds and the picture is in JPG on the desktop, ready for uploading.