Overlays add high quality pictures.
I popped over to Paris this morning, the flight taking just a few seconds, courtesy of Google Earth.
After all, if you are sightseeing, why not start with the most beautiful city on earth?

The small track ball on my Apple Mighty Mouse functions as a zoom control – neat.
Click on one of the menus on the left and an overlay is added showing links to photographs:

Click on one of the little camera logos and you get the photograph – and yes, whoever put up that awful skyscraper really should be shot:

For art museums the links provide details on the art work selected. Plus you can upload your own photographs! Some of the linked photographs are great, some plain lousy. There’s web democracy for you.
A great way of looking at pictures.
I amused myself by zipping from the home where I grew up in London to my present location – too bad they didn’t take this one when the vines were in season.

You can download Google Earth here – it’s free. And remember, no looking at the Pentagon now or Big Brother will start watching you.
Update – March 10, 2008 – you thought I was kidding?
The Pentagon just announced that they will not let Google Earth film their locations.
You can imagine the conversation in Osama’s pad.
“Hey, Ahmed, this one’s blurred out. Must be military. Let’s bomb it.”
And we trust these people with our country’s defense? At least they read this blog – does that mean I should be scared? Honest, all I do is grow grapes at my place.