And the diva.
Take a look at the engrossing movie The Devil Wears Prada and you will hear the Meryl Streep character (an amalgam, one imagines, of the two great Vogue editors of recent times, Anna Wintour and Diana Vreeland) ask on several occasions “Can we get Patrick?”.
I cannot remember a time when Patrick Demarchelier – yes, that Patrick – was not famous. With just cause. Click here and you will see what I’m writing about. Pair this superstar photographer with a true, like-they-used-to-make-them, superstar actress whose looks match her acting skill, and you have Hurrell’s Hollywood recreated. Angelina Jolie is a Star in the old sense of the word. Sure, there are the bizarre tattoos (self expression, if you ask me) and all those adoptions (how many starving kids have you saved recently?), but, heck, that’s just modern times. There’s no denying the woman’s acting skills, her commitments to charity ($8mm donated in 2006 alone), and for lady readers, the hunk that passes for her soul mate. Did I mention that she’s gorgeous?
Thanks, Mr. Demarchelier, for making life that much happier for this fan.