Exceptional photography, exceptionally presented.

Click the picture to enter Eric Lafforgue’s site
There is a remarkable paucity of iPhone applications which focus on content rather than technique. One standout which I have had on my iPhone for a month now, is Eric Lafforgue’s superb application which does one thing only. It showcases his exceptional travel photography. Further, the implementation is so drop dead gorgeous that it’s a wonder to me that more photographers have not released something similar. Go to Lafforgue’s web site and you see the same elegant presentation with near-total focus on content – something many photographers with insanely irritating Flash websites would do well to learn from. Lafforgue uses Flash sparingly and to great aesthetic effect on his web site. The iPhone variant is as simple as can be – pictures are simply flicked with a finger to turn the ‘pages’.

On the iPhone
I find myself firing up Lafforgue’s application at odd times just to enjoy his work. During the one month it has been on my iPhone it has been updated several times for newer content. Highly recommended on the desktop or on your phone.