Mind yer ears
One of the charms of rural California is that you can be tooling along in search of spring wild flowers one moment and find yourself photographing deer the next. This white-tailed specimen was busy enjoying lunch when I chanced upon him.

5D, 400mm at f/5.6, 1/1000 hand held, ISO 250
And, as this chap’s ear testifies, the Disney concept of sweet little deer with shining noses being all cute and cuddly could not be further from the truth. How do you think he got that?
When processing in Lightroom 2, I find there are two lenses in my little collection that consistently require my default RAW sharpening-on-import (+46) to be reduced – the 200mm and 400mm L models. At any aperture these are simply breathtakingly sharp, provided you manage to hold them still, that is.