It’s just your money, that’s all
Bought for several million dollars by the State of California a couple of years ago, the Piedras Blancas motel has, needless to add, stood abandoned ever since, with a forlorn government sign warning the owners (you and me) not to trespass. Well, as I paid for a slice of this place (though no one asked me first), I can trespass all I want and proceeded to do so with impugnity yesterday during a drive up Pacific Coast Highway.

Government at work. 5D, 24-105mm, ISO 250
You can see a QTVR of the old motel I made 30 months ago here. It does not look any different today, though the crooks in Sacramento have added a sign telling everyone they bought the place with money stolen from taxpayers to ‘preserve the pristine views’ or some such rot. Strange how there’s another 75 miles of better views to be had free on the way to Carmel from Cambria as you leave the now blighted motel.
More sordid data on the extent of this theft of taxpayers’ money appear here.
Here’s another – and I’ll bet you in 10 years time it will look far worse:

The State of California’s idea of a $10mm residence. 5D, 24-105mm, ISO 250
A simple reminder of the nine most dangerous words in the English language: “I’m from the government and I’m here to help”.