Be nice to others ….
Never mind the message, what about the window?

5D. 24-105mm @ 65mm, 1/500, f/6.7, ISO 400
Be nice to others ….
Never mind the message, what about the window?
…. with Coke
Walker Evans is kind of hard to shake from the mind’s eye.
Amazing what you can find when the water’s out
Spotted along a desolate stretch of beach off Highway One in central California.
So I lived through Twiggy and The Shrimp. Survived acres of flatness comparable to Iowa’s fields of wheat. And I hated every minute of it.
Then along comes the current issue of Vanity Fair and, guess what?
Shape is back.
And Shape is rarely better personified than in the guise of Emily Blunt, photographed by Michael Roberts. Her direct gaze and strong features match the exotic dress perfectly.
Barry Lyndon, anyone?
The guard dog at work
No need to regale you with tales of the of the guard dog at the old estate. Even at breakfast, Bertie the Border Terrier is to be found doing his thing, in this case keeping a watchful eye on a passing lizard.
The ‘Guard Dog on Duty’ signs go up later today.