What goes around ….
A friend with an iMac like mine, the easy-fry 24″ late-2006 model doomed to early death owing to poor heat management, sent me this top secret photo of iMac engineers driving to their Labor Day barbecue and I felt I simply had to breach the strict oath of privacy to which I was sworn and share it with similarly afflicted readers.

iMac engineers on the way to the barbecue
I am reliably informed that the driver of the pretty red Alfa is none other than Steve Jobs.
Hello Thomas
What a shame for the poor Alfa. You did not tell us what happened in the next frame.
Happy hacking of your Macs.
Written on a 2005 Powerbook G4 and OS10.4.11 — crawling slower and slower after all these years
Giovanni – the bridge disappeared in a Reality Distortion Field.