An all time classic.
This lovely Citroen 2CV, nicknamed the Deux Chevaux since time immemorial for it’s modest power, is one of the great automotive classics. History has it that the design brief included the ability to carry eggs over a newly plowed field, unbroken, a reflection of the agrarian focus of France’s economy.

Citroen 2CV, in Carmel. G1, 33mm, f/6.3, 1/250, ISO 100
This one is doing stout work in Carmel, CA as an advertising platform for a local antique store. You can read the fascinating history of this engineering masterpiece here.
It was my grandfather’s car some 50 years ago, he had the new model every five years or so, I kept the last one during my U studies and long after, I probably made more kilometers with this car than with any other. It was charming, reliable, cheap all the way, much better than a bunch of today’s pretended 4×4 off road, never skipped on ice, but the lights were torch pocket and the windscreen wipers decorative. Oh ! like the GF1 camera…. it was slooooow 🙂 , be patient, admire the country side and avoid mountains.