Happy in her own world.
Even one of our more common definitions of madness is becoming invalidated.
You see them everywhere and of all ages. Adults walking along the street speaking to no one in particular. A moment’s examination confirms that they are speaking into a cell phone microphone and doing so invariably loud enough for all to hear, the way the English speak to foreigners on the assumption that volume will conquer any lack of comprehension.
These people are not mad. Just dumb as a brick.
However, the subject of today’s snap is most assuredly crazy but her insanity is a far gentler presence than that of the cell phone prattlers, reassuring their honey that they are about to come home with the groceries. You can see her on Haight Street in San Francisco most days, merrily reliving past lives at sufficient volume to be heard and enjoyed.

The Madwoman of The Haight. G1, kit lens at 30mm, 1/1250, f/5.3, ISO 100
I feel far closer to her than I ever will to the fools with their cellular toys.