To be found at any public display of memorabilia.
Go to any public show of old stuff and you will find them. A bunch of old guys in GM caps sporting beer bellies, beards and boring.
Ready to regale you with tales of how much better it was in the old days (it wasn’t) and how their old car runs so much more reliably than your new Honda (it doesn’t) and how politicians used to be trustworthy (they weren’t) these senescent bores really need to be put out to pasture. Whatever you do, show no admiration for the objects of their worship, for you will be lectured at great length as to why the 1929 model was so superior to its 1930 successor.
These Old Farts were spotted at, where else, a display of old cars.

Lumix LX-1, auto everything.
Snapped through the rear window of a Ford Model T, undoubtedly one of the worst cars ever made.