Shop, and the heck with the poor.

G1, kit lens @ 18mm, ISO 400.
Outside a ritzy department store in San Francisco.
Shop, and the heck with the poor.
G1, kit lens @ 18mm, ISO 400.
Outside a ritzy department store in San Francisco.
Kids having fun.
G1, kit lens @ 14mm, ISO 100.
In San Francisco on a glorious autumn day.
More aware than their parents.
All snapped on the G1 with the kit lens
While their parents fret about their jobs/mortgages/credit cards, their young offspring have the vision that most of us lose with age, as the world’s burdens descend on our shoulders. Children’s first and greatest trait is noticing – and being fascinated by – everything around them.
Mickey Spillane lives!
G1, kit lens @ 18mm, f/3.9. 1/800, ISO 100
Supremely self possessed, confident, arms splayed out, cigarette held just so, this individual owns this park bench and you had better know it. The loud pullover, the matching socks and the pork pie hat tilted at a rakish angle all speak of a guy in charge.
Spotted at Washington Square in North Beach, San Francisco.
Old habits die hard.
G1, kit lens @ 18mm, f/3.9, 1/250, ISO 160
Spotted in San Francisco.