Coming attractions.
Eric Lafforgue, master French travel photographer, has confirmed he will be porting his superb iPhone app, which showcases his work, to the iPad – finally a mobile screen to do his splendid photography justice:

Equally exciting, subscribers to Netflix On Demand which streams movies directly to your TV or computer will be thrilled about this:

On Demand movies include a lot of Indie and foreign titles that would never otherwise be seen in the US, including much of the best of French, Italian, Spanish and English cinema. And the price – so long as you have a mail Netflix subscription (as low as $9/month) – is right! The streaming catalog now includes some 12,000 titles (many in H264 High Definition) compared to over 100,000 in the mail order one, but that ratio will change rapidly once the dunces at the studios get with the action and start licensing their movies for digital download.