An interesting exchange.
I was sitting on the couch with that insouciant boulevardier Bert the Border Terrier, whiling away a pleasant evening hour catching up on world markets on the iPad and enjoying the Unfair Advantage it confers upon the user when, appropriately enough, in comes an email from quite literally the opposite end of the world – Jakarta, Indonesia.

The iPad, as everyone except maybe the Pope knows by now (he seems to know nothing, or so he would have it), comes in three storage sizes, 16, 32 and 64gB, and I elected the 32gB version for the two I picked up on iPad Day last week.
The email came from American photographer Brandon Hoover, whose fine travel photography in Asia can be seen here. He wrote:

To which I replied (yes, that really is me in the picture – Cary Grant looks just like me):

Brandon followed up with:

And my response:

And finally:

Now at this juncture, Bert the Border came to life and inquired, none too politely, when I was going to put the iPad down so that he could get in some serious tree and lamppost action, so I donned my best English Tweed (OK, Scottish Tweed) jacket and off we went on a gorgeous California evening to commune with nature.
As luck would have it, a friend had recently given me his 3G iPhone (I got him into AAPL at $187 and it’s now at $242, so he owed me! My 2G is off to the recyclers after 3 years of hard work.) and I popped it in my pocket thinking no more of the matter. Then it occurred to me that maybe the above exchange might be of interest to readers, so I whipped it out (the iPhone, that is) and sent Brandon a quick request, using 3G no less, asking whether I might publish our exchange. He kindly approved the idea seconds later. Now you must admit that, no matter how blasé we get about technology, there is something incredible about walking your dog on a California evening at 7:25PM PDT and sending an email to Jakarta, Indonesia (or maybe it was Manila in the Philippines) with the reply coming back at …. 7:25PM PDT.
You can follow Brandon’s writings at his nicely designed blog and you don’t even need an iPad, though it looks just great on mine!
Read all my iPad ruminations by clicking here.