A useful drawing tool.

The Pogo Stylus for the iPhone and iPod Touch works just fine with the iPad. In the picture it’s shown attached with the provided clip to my 3G iPhone, where it adds value if you have difficulty pecking away at the minuscule keyboard. But with the iPad it really comes to life.
I have been experimenting with an iPad drawing app named ArtStudio which lays low those unthinking statements from ‘experts’ that would have it that the iPad is an information recovery tool only. It’s a creative tool which will only move to strength over the next few quarters.
One thing I have wanted to do for a while is to create an app logo for this blog, PPP, which can be added to your desktop/laptop/iPhone/iPad home screen by simply clicking the ‘+’ sign in the Safari Menu Bar. Thereafter, when you need a fix and desire to read the best, commercial free writing on photography on the planet, with pithy asides at no additional cost, you simply invoke the desktop and click the logo. So that was my first creation using ArtStudio on the iPad and after a few swooshes with the Pogo stylus the thing was done:

Icon design for PPP
Yeah, so I like ballet, couture and art, but I also like my meat rare and my motions up and to the right. And I hope to jump on my old motorbike and run over some elderly ladies later today, in case you have any doubts about my orientation. So thrusting up and to the right it is.
Now I have to figure out the arcana of php or whatever the hell that code language is to plug this thing into PPP and make it clickable.
ArtStudio totally rocks – get it, along with a $12 Pogo stylus. You can set the stylus to draw lines offset from its point of contact, by the way, so that you can see what you are drawing.
Logo update:
I figured out how to do this for the iPhone/iPod Touch. Load this site in Safari, hit the ‘+’ on the MenuBar and choose ‘Add to Home Screen’ – renaming the logo PPP. You will see this on your mobile device:

Click on the icon and your favorite photography site now displays in iPhone-friendly format, thus:

Touch the down arrow and you will see these choices – including a link to send me an email:

Finally, touch Categories on this screen and you will see:

Still working on getting this right for the iPad. Grrr!