Sometimes you get lucky.
Though I’m no great fan of the “always carry a camera” exhortation, preferring to argue that you seek out good pictures and they rarely just happen, I was walking the dog yesterday and spotted these five in the space of 2 minutes and twenty yards. All I had was the iPhone 3G but it seems to have done OK in the circumstances.





Always carry …. an iPhone!
A note on iPhone photo files sizes: If you email a photo taken on the iPhone the size is 640 x 480, or 0.3 mp. By contrast, if you download it to Lightroom or iPhoto by connecting the iPhone to your desktop or laptop, the full size of 1600 x 1200, or 1.9 mp is downloaded, which is still not great but offers far better definition.
These are fantastic. Thanks for posting. I really like your shot of the petals on the GTO….