My new FREE book.
Online publishing being the thing of the future, I have created a new book in PDF format which you can download free by clicking the picture below.
All but the first were taken on the Panasonic G1 with its kit lens; the exception was made on the Canon 5D. All snaps were taken during the past year in San Francisco.
You can view these in a browser of your choice on your desktop or laptop or, better still, save (File->Save as…) the downloaded PDF file and drop it on iTunes to sync with your iPad or, even better, if you use GoodReader ($0.99) on your iPad get the free GoodReaderUSB utility, plug your iPad in and drag and drop the PDF onto your iPad where you can then view it in GoodReader. (To mitigate image theft I have disabled right-clicking on this site).
This PDF was created using the slideshow PDF export capability of Lightroom 2/3. The PDF file was then opened in Preview and the cover and colophon pages, created in iWork Pages and saved as single page PDFs, were dropped in. The whole thing was then saved again as a PDF and uploaded to my server. Lightroom 3 does allow you to add Intro and Ending pages but I didn’t notice that until it was too late!
The file is 14mB and should download fast – 45 seconds here. It is optimized for viewing on the iPad. You can also download the book by clicking on ‘my books’ in the right hand column, under the ‘links’ tab.

Update July 21, 2010: Now expanded from 44 to 100 photographs.