GF2 to follow?
The newly announced 14mm f/2.5 fixed focal length Panasonic lens (28mm full frame equivalent) looks like another little miracle from Japan.

The Panasonic 14mm f/2.5 lens.
It’s even smaller than the 20mm (40mm) f/1.7 and but one thought comes to mind. Can a GF2 compact body with a proper viewfinder along the lines of the Fuji FX100, be far behind?
Let’s hope so, as Panny can bring its manufacturing power to this niche – what I call the Street Snapper Set – and make the whole thing for well under $1,000. The lens itself will be available in November for just $400 in the US.
Here are the size comparison with the 17mm on the GF1 and a 35mm on the Leica:
Panasonic GF1 – 119 x 71 x 57mm – MFT sensor
Fuji FX100 – 127 x 75 x 54mm – APS-C sensor
Leica M9 – 139 x 80 x 73mm – full frame sensor plus your first born
So the Panny body+lens is much the same size as the Fuji, and likely much cheaper, though you trade the smaller MFT sensor in the GF1 for the APS-C sized one in the Fuji. MFT is fine for all but wall sized enlargements, as I can testify from personal experience, so what’s not to like if Panny finally makes a GF2 with a proper integrated viewfinder?