Any day now!
At the conclusion of Part V of my MBA review I wrote:
“The ingenuity of man will ensure that higher capacity flash hard drives become available in no time for far less than Apple will charge you and ifixit already has a supply of five pointed Torx screwdrivers available, for all of $4.95, which will allow you to replace the fan yourself.”
For ‘fan’ you can also read ‘flash drive’, the same tool being required.
Well, that was yesterday. Today a larger, faster flash drive was announced, claimed to be 30% faster and, at 256gB twice as large as the largest base spec sold by Apple. (You can get 256gB but on the 13″ MBA only and that at a $300 premium to the 128gB base spec for the 13″ model; the maximum you can get on the 11.6″ MBA is 128gB, at a $200 premium to the 64gB base spec.)

Click the picture for more. The vendor makes the excellent point that the flash drive removed from the MBA can be used as back-up storage using the provided USB casing; the latter is required to plug in the new drive externally to first clone everything to it from the stock MBA drive installed by Apple. The installation, based on the ifixit pictures, should be a piece of cake. 10 Torxscrews using the special screwdriver are removed to free the base and an eleventh like screw, once removed, allows replacement of the plug-and-play flash drive.
While the largest flash drive sold by PhotoFast is currently 256gB, we will be seeing terabyte drives before you can say “Well, Mr. Jobs, that ploy with those silly five headed ‘unique’ screws didn’t last long now, did it?” Duh!
There’s something very appealing about this process. Apple is trying to screw its customers by charging egregious premia for additional flash storage and is, in turn, being screwed by its own suppliers with cheaper and better aftermarket alternatives. US pricing is unknown but I would hazard a guess of $200, which gets you four times the 64gB base spec on the 11.6″ where the maximum of 128gB commands a $200 premium. If I’m right that means twice the maximum Apple offers for the same price. Prices will only fall as solid state storage gradually obsoletes spinning disks.
Update Feb 2011: Apple threatened litigation/contract cancellation of other parts if PhotoFast did not cease and desist from marketing this SSD. Jerks. Anyway, MacSales offers a like upgrade, although without the external enclosure, and you can read about it here.