Don’t get ripped off.
The rumors about the battery life of the Fuji X100 are all over the place. Some say it’s 200 snaps, others twice that.
I have no idea what to believe but a spare makes sense.
You can buy the real thing at Amazon by searching on ‘Ricoh GXR’ which uses the same battery:

The Ricoh GXR rip-off.
Or get ripped-off a little less by searching on ‘Fuji F30’ which also uses the same one:

The Fuji rip-off.
Finally, best of all, search for ‘NP95 Li-on’ and you get this 1800 mAh variant, which is the same capacity as the one which comes with the X100:

The real thing with a cheap label ….
No prizes for guessing which I ordered. I don’t propose to pay $30 for a label. Guess where all three are made? Yup. Same place as your brand new shiny ‘American’ iPad.
The main risk here is that Fuji has included (no indication of that yet), or will include, a ROM to make their battery the only one that works with the X100 – Panny tried this dirty trick with the G series, only to have that hacked soon after. Many printer manufacturers try that with their overpriced ink cartridges and ROM setting tools abound to stop that little bit of greed. So hardly a concern, especially at the price asked.