End of Empire.

G1, kit kens @30mm, 1/640, f/13, ISO 320
It’s not that I search out obesity in my street snaps.
It’s that it is simply impossible to avoid it.
America’s gluttony is not restricted to oil. It also shows a serious addiction to fat and sugar.
I wouldn’t mind so much – hey, it’s your body and your premature death only helps the gene pool – but for the fact that fat ugly cows like the one above penalize me for my healthy life choices.
Every time I deny myself that extra sugared drink or hamburger, this lump of lard eats it for me. She uses more gas to eat it, more gas to have it delivered, more gas to move her enormous behind, and sure as hell, my health insurance premiums subsidize her miserable life replete with coronaries and diabetes. And you can bet she smokes, too.
I can only cry for the poor baby in the picture. What possible chance can it have in the Land of the Fat?
Snapped on Fisherman’s Wharf in San Francisco where most of the revolting food on sale is deep fried.
This cow’s sister is here.