Amid the bustle.
While my snaps of cities are invariably taken during the hustle and bustle of a busy day, I tend to seek out silence and maybe a lone figure, to better show the beauty of a scene. Here are two examples. The first is near Mission Street:
In the spirit of Ambrose Bierce a friend writes:
“I can almost smell that big city, late afternoon, breezy smell, with that old immense highrise feel shrinking you down to size. Shadows and dazzling edifices reaching for the sky…..and, at the bottom, a boutique dress shop and the Wing Yap Noodle Factory.”

Ambrose Bierce Street, SF, named after the American satirist. Also known as Aldrich Street.
Looking south toward Annie Street. G3, kit lens @17mm, 1/250, f/5.6, ISO 320.
The second is on lovely Leidesdorff Street in the Business District:

G3, kit lens @ 42mm, 1/400, f/5.6, ISO 320.
The G3’s sensor does a lovely job here, rendering an especially full, creamy tonal range.
What a lovely Hopper-esque moment you have captured on Leidesdorff Street!