A combination made in heaven.
One of the signal benefits of the iPhone 4S and iOS5 is the ability to keep everything in sync wirelessly. No computer is needed. The 4S is the computer.
Well, with Snapseed on your iPhone, of which I wrote here, you might argue that Lightroom/Photoshop/Aperture/iPhoto are things of the past. The iPhone is the photo processor.
Snapseed is an extraordinary tailoring of photo processing power to the touch interface. I will not belabor the point, rather preferring to illustrate it with a picture straight from the iPhone 4S, first shown unprocessed here, with one processed on the iPhone 4S in Snapseed. Not only was this a simple process, it actually made ‘darkroom’ work fun.
Here’s the original followed by the Snapseed version:

Who needs a computer?
Snapseed? You got $5?