San Francisco.
By turn strange, surreal, eccentric, colorful, monochromatic and never predictable. San Francisco is all of these, and this is how I saw it over the past twelve months. Unlike my Street Snaps where people are the object of interest, in my Cityscapes people, if they are even present, are part of the broader cityscape.

Click the picture for the slide show.
Mostly snapped on the Panasonic G1 with the kit lens, with the last few on the G3. The little Pannys don’t look like much and I can only express my deep gratitude to the maker for that. Electrician’s tape, used to obscure brand names on the hardware, is a useful adjunct. While one was taken with the 45-200mm Panny zoom, the 14-45mm kit lens really is perfect for this sort of thing and it’s all I carry most of the time. Were it non-interchangeable I would not mind one bit. The G3 adds two stops of grain reduction compared to the G1, so in a pinch I’ll enlarge what I need a bit more without compromising quality too much, and avoid having to carry an extra lens, small as it may be.