From the ongoing Roach Coach series.

Near Jackson Square, SF. G3, kit zoom @14mm.
From the ongoing Roach Coach series.
Near Jackson Square, SF. G3, kit zoom @14mm.
A spot of timing.
I reckoned that if I pressed the button just so, the legs would mimic the Transamerica pyramid. In the event, I lucked out, with the parking meter adding a surreal touch.
Click the picture for the video. On Pacific Avenue, San Francisco. G3, kit lens.
InterfaceFLOR, in the interesting foreground building, makes carpet squares for industrial and office use – modular carpets for a modular world. What’s not to lke about that lovely brickwork?
Click the image above to watch a video explaining how I changed a bland, washed out sky to gorgeous cyan with a couple of quick adjustments in Photoshop.
Update: A reader kindly pointed out that my fairly aggressive brightening of the foreground had introduced noise, so a couple of tweaks on the noise sliders in LR3 put that to right. The revised picture appears above. Note to self: Have eyes checked.
Top class Italian.
489 Third Street, San Francisco.
La Briciola makes its home at 489 Third Street in San Francisco, an unprepossessing exterior hiding an exquisite, high taste interior testifying to the best of northern Italian Tuscan food.
I feasted on the risotto with a fragrant Moretti Rosso and cannot speak highly enough of the service. The charming, and very Italian waiter, above, saw me taking a snap of the interior and before I knew it we were deep in discussion about the forthcoming Lytro light field camera!
Risotto allo scoglio prawns, calamari, clams, mussels, light tomato sauce, Moretti Rosso.
This is very much a linen tablecloth sort of place yet one without any talking down to the customers. Highly recommended. The olive oil was the high point of the meal, with fragrance and flavor to die for. My tab for the risotto, beer and a Pellegrino came to $30 – spendy, and worth it.