Go by sight, not reviews.
Read up on the 135mm f/3.5 Nikkor-Q I mentioned yesterday and you will find a fair measure of condescension directed at it. How can anything almost half a century old and under $70 be serious? Sure it’s not some f/2 hyper speed monster which comes with a handcart and bragging rights, but I must relate that when I took it for a spin yesterday it really spoke to me. Before long, we were singing. Such is the balance on the camera that the hardware quickly becomes invisible.
The first was one of those where you instantly know you have something special, hoping you press the button before the increase in your pulse rate blurs everything.

Lovers. At full aperture. D700.

Eat Crab. At full aperture. Same gear.

Pastels. At f/11. Same gear.

Gull and flag. f/5.6. Same gear.
I used my tailored lens correction profile for all of these, but it’s hard to tell the difference. A fine lens and not one you will weep over if it does not work for you, at the prices asked.