A charming area of SF.

Hayes Valley, 2 blocks SW of City Hall.
Replete with upper end restaurants and fine stores, Hayes Valley is an area a few blocks square, close to San Francisco’s City Hall, Opera and Performing Arts Center. The area is quite charming, chic in a non-yuppy way, containing many interesting alleyways and old homes. Downtown is anchored by a small children’s park named Patricia’s Green and quite lovely. On a sunny day it’s a throwback to less crowded times.
These were all snapped on the D700 with the ne plus ultra 35mm f/2 MF Nikkor, a lens which really speaks to me.

They all look alike. An overabundance of riches is seldom a good thing.
Don’t ask me which is which, because I have no idea.
Truth be told I had intended to take my favorite, the 24mm MF Nikkor and was wondering why I was too close to everything when snapping, then it dawned on me that the lens on the D700 was the 35mm, and that the two look quite similar with hoods in place. I had simply put the wrong lens on the body, leaving the 24mm at home! Anyway, I made do ….

At the Fatted Calf. My greed for images like this equals the calf’s for its food.

At La Boulange. f/5.6 and be there. Click the image for the map.

Inside the art exhibit on Patricia’s Green. At f/16, where diffraction remains negligible.

Morning coffee. At f/2 the lens has a nice way about it.

On Hayes Street, between Laguna and Octavia. Light to die for.

Alleyway doors.

Two stories on Linden Lane. Midwest light.

Clapboard derelict.

Charming stores line Hayes Street.