Thrilling images from the doyenne of mid-20th century photojournalism of America from a helicopter.

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When I lived in New York (1980-87), the center of the civilized world (and of the uncivilized one, known as Wall Street), my home was but two blocks south-west of Columbus Circle at 310 West 56th Street – see the fourth picture. The trains from the air in snow (#9) is reminiscent of the work of the German master Hans Saebens. #11 reminds me of the genius of the financier Charles Tyson Yerkes who made Chicago’s El possible as well as developing the London Underground at the turn of the 20th century. If you enjoy writing about high finance, there is none better than Theodore Dreiser’s trilogy – The Financier, The Titan and The Stoic – whose pseudonymous anti-hero, one Frank Algernon Cowperwood – is none other than Yerkes. Dreiser’s prose is as thrilling as Bourke-White’s art.