With a couple of lenses.
Deciding to take a break from watching Apple stock plumb the depths under its new CEO who couldn’t get drunk in a brewery, I made off to the Mission District with the D700 and just two lenses. My favorite, the 38-year-old 24mm manual focus Nikkor and the current 85mm f/1.8D AF. The latter sports a foul plastic barrel but delivers excellent results. A handy street outfit.
It was a fearfully overcast day with light mist in the air, but all the better for those pastel colors.
And this is what I saw:
Muscle man.
Solidarity takes a nap.
Barbed Babe.
Painted window.
Frida. Frida Kahlo was the wife (twice!) of Marxist painter Diego Rivera.
Family mural.
You are here.
Who would Jesus bomb?
Orange and mauve.
When all was said and done, I repaired to the coffee shop, a lovely warm and welcoming interior, for a cappuccino.

The first five and the coffee shop on the 24mm, the rest with the 85mm.
Unfortunately, when I returned home, I learned that the inept Cook is still in charge of Apple’s supply chain mismanagement.
Disclosure: Long AAPL 2014 bull call option spreads.