Late sun.

Nikon D2X, 20mm Nikkor. Click the picture for the location.
The many electrical cables were removed in PS CS5 using the Spot Healing Brush Tool in Content Aware Fill mode. A touch of perspective correction was also applied in Photoshop using the technique described here. That’s a better method than using the tools in Lightroom 3/4 as far less is lost using PS. Similar results can be accomplished using GIMP, which is free.
The sheer stupidity of Americans refusing to invest in infrastructure and burying power cables is seen annually. Bad weather takes out power for whole cities, often for one or two weeks at a time (can you say Hurricane Sandy?) at enormous cost to the economy, yet all we do is simple repair the utility poles and restring the fragile cables above ground. The opponents of doing it right? The same morons who drive to work on government provided roads using government provided GPS while cussing out ‘big Government’. The one-off cost of a permanent fix would be repaid in a couple of years. And photographers everywhere would be grateful, too!
Here’s the version with the cables in place: