A charming man.
When I take pictures of street people, people on whom fate has not looked kindly for the most part, there is one consideration uppermost in my mind. It is that I in no way impugn their dignity or self respect. As a matter of common decency that means I do not stick my camera in their face and do not machine gun a dozen images. Two is my limit.
By the time I take the snap we have established a rapport and there is a bond, however brief. I do not want to break that relationship of trust.

Warmth. Nikon D3x, Sigma 35mm f/1.4 at f/2.8.
Words cannot convey the warmth and human spirit of this man. Despite his circumstances there was no self-pity, just a trust in fate. The marks on his brow and nose speak to tough times past.
“God Bless” were his parting words.
Snapped on Fourth Street in San Francisco under the freeway overpass.