SF’s steepest.
Wikipedia has Filbert Street as one of San Francisco’s steepest and the massive coronary which threatens as you make your way to the top makes it hard to argue.
There’s even a school at the east end, near Coit Tower and what better way to illustrate just how steep it is?

Wikipedia says the steepest section is 17.5 degrees. I borrowed my son’s protractor and checked the bus out. It came to 16 degrees. Close.
The stretch referred to in the Wikipedia piece is here:
Looking east.
Looking west.
You drive down that section in second gear with your foot on the brake …. this section is one way, downhill only.
In the second image you can see Coit Tower at the left (close to the location of the first picture), St. Peter and Paul Church at center-left on Washington Square in the heart of North Beach (Little Italy) and the Oakland Bay Bridge on the horizon. Quite a view. Too bad we don’t bury those power cables.
Nikon D3x, 35mm f/1.4 Sigma (the first) and 50mm f/1.4 pre-Ai Nikkor (the others).