Old tools.
Panasonic G3, kit lens.
Old tools.
Panasonic G3, kit lens.
Holland’s wonderful Rijksmuseum is now available online and consonant with Dutch philosophy, all the museum’s great art works can be downloaded free in high quality JPGs for personal use.
Sign up for an account and have at it.
What’s not to like about the Dutch? A splendid work ethic, a liberal mind set, and they speak English. Germans without guns.
GGB, morning.
Nikon D3x, 85mm f/1.8 AFD Nikkor.
Art Deco rules!
The Art Deco design of the Golden Gate Bridge extends to the lovely font used for the 1937 commemorative plaque.
Nikon D3x, 85mm f/1.8 AFD Nikkor.
On the GGB.
Nikon D3x, 85mm/1.8 AFD Nikkor.