The annual pet parade.
The annual Burlingame Dog Parade seems to have morphed into an Annual Pet Parade this year, but mercifully man’s best friend still represents 99% of the animals parading down our little three block stretch of Broadway, a throwback to the American Way of yesteryear.
Kids are everywhere.
Marching band ingredients.
Group portrait.
Tight fit.
Some dogs just ooze charm.
It’s tough being short.
American dentistry.
Well, it is a pet parade.
Doggie klatsch.
This chap proceeded to give the camera a good licking.
Watching the parade.
Hamburger joint and marching band.
Several participants, well acquainted with that man about town, Bert the Border Terrier, asked me about his absence. Bertram is now 15 years old and told me he would rather pass on all the noise and spectacle, comfortable with his superiority in the four legged world. He preferred to spend time with the boy at home, catching up on recent episodes of Martha the Talking Dog.

Winnie and Bertie.
All snaps on the Nikon D3x with the 35-70mm AFD Nikkor except for the last, which was taken on the Panasonic G3 with the kit lens.