The ‘always carry a camera’ thing.

The foreground figure made for a so-so image and then, as I find is all too frequently the case, something special happened as the little girl ran into the frame from nowhere. The absolutely silent electronic shutter in the Panasonic GX7 is made for this sort of thing and, once you have used it, there’s no going back to the clunky, noisy mechanical one which will make you cringe by comparison. There is no shutter delay, making snapping of the magic moment …. child’s play. I have not used a more competent piece of street snapping gear.
Published using the WordPress app using the iPad Air – a surprisingly competent duo for this sort of thing. The app easily accesses images stored on the iPad, uploading them to the blog.

Film strip.
Panasonic GX7, kit zoom, in the forecourt of the de Young museum in Golden Gate Park, an ugly building in a lovely setting. Best of ten (silent) snaps.