Charming architecture.

At Harrison and 22nd in the Mission District. Sadly this gingerbread home seems abandoned.

Panasonic GX7, kit lens.
Charming architecture.
At Harrison and 22nd in the Mission District. Sadly this gingerbread home seems abandoned.
Panasonic GX7, kit lens.
Yerba Buena gardens.
Panasonic GX7, kit lens.
In the Mission District.
Panasonic GX7, kit lens.
Some snaps.
You can read my review of the Panasonic GX7 here.
Part II of this lens review is here.
AF speed:
By way of preface, I can state categorically that the AF focus speed of the Olympus lens on my GX7 body is as close to instantaneous as is possible regardless of the lighting. Whereas I had a 30% rejection rate with the 20mm Panasonic because the lens did not focus in time, the rejection rate with the Olympus, based on the 193 images I snapped the other day, none at an aperture smaller than f/2.5, was zero. Such rejects as there were resulted from poor composition, weak subject matter and so on.
For the street snapper little more need be said.
Before getting into the serious street stuff, let’s dispel any issues concerning flare, the other debilitating ‘feature’ found in the Panasonic optic. This unexciting image was shot with the sun in the frame, shining directly into the lens:
No modern lens I own, not even the 35mm f/1.4 Sigma for the Nikon, can hold a candle to this performance. One other note. The Olympus 17mm f/1.8 lens delivers exceptionally high contrast images (which goes hand in hand with its outstanding flare resistance), so much so that I found that I often had to turn down contrast (Down with the Highlights slider, Up with the Shadows one) when processing the RAW images in Lightroom 5.
Resolution? The only thing to report here is that 18″ x 24″ prints, a medium far more demanding than any electronic display, are par for the course at any aperture you care to use. Stopping the lens down need only be done when more depth of field is required.
Is the lens as sharp as Sigma’s monster 35mm f/1.4 on my (even more gigantic) Nikon D3x? No. I doubt anything is, if you have the patience to actually find an example of the Sigma whose AF is properly adjusted – it took me three before I got there. Then again, the Sigma with no camera body weighs more than the GX7/17mm combination and the Olympus focuses noticeably faster.
Is the Oly sharper than the Panny 20mm? Who knows, given the Panny’s inability to lock in sharp focus in a reasonable time?
Here are some snaps from my outing, all taken in San Francisco on the Saturday after Thanksgiving, the city alive with shoppers and tourists. All were taken between f/1.8 and f/2.8, using RAW originals processed in Lightroom 5, with ISO from 400 (Kodak TriX lives!) to 3200. Mostly these are straight out of the camera, with no post processing other than RAW conversion to JPG and automatic application of my lens correction profile :
Lighting up. Nothing beats a 35mm (FFE) lens on the streets.
Selfie. The GX7/17mm Oly combination is almost impossibly responsive.
$5 pup. I snapped five in five seconds here – a buck a snap – and the fourth
caught the dog just so. The truly silent electronic shutter in the GX7 is a boon.
These charmers were getting a lot of attention.
Carving my pastrami at Lefty O’Doul’s.
The rye bread here is beyond fresh.
At f/1.8, ISO3200.
Dining al fresco on Maiden Lane. Quite lovely colors here.
Impossible not to make a donation when visited with warmth like this.
At f/2.5 and ISO400, this one made a gorgeous 18″ x 24″ print.
Uh huh.
Tattoo dude.
Looking up.
Toothless in San Francisco.
What happens when you listen to sell side stock tips.
Shoeshine man. The electronic shutter is inaudible at any subject distance.
Porsche girl.
The sales pitch here was “Jesus is a Negro”.
Ritz Carlton guards making out like the CIA.
Beautiful color rendering. The GX7’s in-body OIS works well – this was at 1/20th.
The shallow depth of field at large apertures comes in handy.
The Oly lens has excellent resolution.
Some faces leave no time for composition. The last snap of this outing
and I was half dead from exhaustion, but could not pass this by.
Color rendering:
The color rendering is really pleasing in these images. Whether that’s due to the camera, the lens or both I have no idea, but the combination is right up there with Bogart and Bacall, Astaire and Rogers, and JP Morgan and systemic corruption.
Aperture priority operation:
I used the ‘A’ exposure mode for all of these snaps, with the electronic (silent) shutter, meaning that the only thing I ever had to fiddle with was the control wheel to change apertures. Panny really needs to update its firmware to allow one stop intervals between clicks, here. Only gear fetishists need the default 1/3rd stop steps, which only serve to slow operation down.
Electronic shutter math:
One caution – as I always use the silent electronic shutter in the GX7 – doing so with fluorescent lighting as the sole light source is not a great idea. You will get stripes as the tubes flash on and off during the exposure, as here:
Be sure to read the Comment below regarding the use of non-OEM batteries.
Assuming a 60Hz flash frequency (US mains) the five cycles seen here suggest that the electronic shutter takes 1/12th second (5/60) to traverse/scan the field of pixels, which is why you get noticeable distortion of moving images taken using this shutter. You can bet that the scan speed will increase in subsequent iterations of this design, making for less movement distortion.
For my preferred subject matter, movement distorion is not an issue. If it’s an issue for you, use the faster traversing mechanical shutter in the GX7, which is some ten times faster in this instance. Why anyone would need the primary benefit of the electronic shutter – silence – with a moving subject is beyond me, so I fail to see this as an issue.
What I write is genre specific:
In these articles it is not my goal to comment on anything other than taking street snaps and making nice, big, sharp prints from them. If movies, landscapes, birds, bugs or sports are your thing this is the worst place to look for guidance. If you want to learn about the mind numbing selection of exposure modes, issues like framing rates, white balance and sensor aberrations or how well this gear compares with dozens of competitors, there are any number of fellows with white lab coats and zero imagination out there whose site content you should be reading instead.
Controls and ergonomics:
The knurled ring surrounding the shutter button is programmed to change apertures, being faster in use than the rear control dial. Other than the shutter release, it’s the only control used in the field, along with the C1/C2/C3 top right dial settings which are programmed to ISO 400, 1200 and 3200, respectively. ISO 3200 is the maximum the electronic shutter works with, which is just fine at f/1.8 in poor light.
Panny has some silly statements in its instruction manual as to the largest prints which can be made at different ISOs – silly on the conservative side, that is. Anything up to ISO 3200 will, given a modicum of technical skill, yield prints of any size your heart desires. Panasonic has made steady progress from the sensor found in its groundbreaking G1 and is to be highly commended for its efforts.
The nice chromed protective lens filter is a 46mm UV from B+W and is a recommended accessory given the relatively exposed front element which, like the rear element, is plane on the outside, being neither convex or concave.
Finally, note that I dispensed with the duct tape on the top plate holding the EVF in place, replacing it with some double-sided sticky tape below the eyepiece, where it’s invisible.
For years I have dreamed of a small, fast, automated digital camera and fast prime wide angle lens to do what the Leica M did so well for me on the streets for over three decades. Small with instant response, silent, unobtrusive, sharp. And with autofocus, please! Let’s not forget in-body OIS. Don’t-care-if-it’s-stolen cheap would be nice, too.
In the Panasonic GX7 mated with the Olympus 17mm f/1.8 MFT lens, I rather fancy that my dreams have been granted, and for less money than a couple of hours on the local shrink’s couch for far greater benefit. The sheer ‘transparency’ of this combination, placing fewer obstacles between the eye, the brain and the recorded image than ever before, redefines the street snapping standard for this devotee of the genre.
Recommended without reservations for like minded photographers.
Very promising.
You can read my review of the Panasonic GX7 here.
Part I of this lens review is here.
Chrome and small:
A chrome body deserves a chrome lens, so that’s the version I chose of the Olympus 17mm f/1.8 for my GX7.
Compared with the (really excellent, though constrained by its slower apertures) 14-45mm Panasonic MFT kit zoom, the 17mm Olympus is noticeably more compact. Weight is about the same, the metal exteriors of the Olympus seeing to that. Is it meaningful that the finish is metal rather than resin? No. As long as the result is small, sharp, fast and cheap, who cares? And, as I will illustrate, the Oly is all of those things. Say what you may about the construction quality of Leica’s 35mm f/2 Aspherical Summicron, throw-away cheap it most certainly is not. You can buy eight of the Olys for one Summicron and still have dinner money left over, not to mention AF into the bargain.
Now anything is smaller than a Nikon D2/3/4 body, short of a Mack truck, but you can get a sense of the diminutive size of the lens on the GX7 here:
Ergonomic fixes:
First, a couple of fixes with silver duct tape are called for to enhance the functionality of the GX7.
Because Olympus uses a snap-back focus collar allowing engagement of MF, a piece of tape is stuck to the underside of the lens to prevent accidental engagement of MF mode. The spring detent is relatively weak and MF makes absolutely no sense with this lens, though I can testify to the smoothness of the MF action, with proper infinity and closest focus stops and no feel of grinding gears:
Then the hard-to-see-who-would-ever-use-this pivoting EVF eyepiece is taped well and truly in the normal position as it has shown a frustrating preference for getting dislodged with the GX7 slung over the shoulder. I admit that the superglue option is tempting here. You snap the camera to the eye and the bloody eyepiece is pointing heavenwards, accomplishing the twin results of ensuring you miss the snap and making sure you look like a dork.
Lens correction profile:
Next, I created a lens correction profile as none seems available from Adobe – probably because on Olympus bodies vignetting and distortion are automatically corrected, not something available to Panasonic body users.
You can find the profile here (scroll to near the end, past all the yummy MF Nikkor profiles), download it and install it where indicated. Thereafter, if your camera’s import profile is set to automatically apply the lens correction profile, you will see this once your images are imported to Lightroom (or Photoshop):
Why create a lens correction profile? Because, through f/5.6, the 17mm Olympus shows noticeable vignetting on Panasonic bodies, especially from f/1.8 through f/2.8, together with very minor barrel distortion at all apertures.
Camera orientation sensor:
Yippee! One of my (minor) grumbles about the outstanding Olympus 9-18mm zoom lens was that the orientation sensor was missing. Import of images to Lightroom, where the camera was held in portrait mode, would import in landscape orientation, necessitating these all be highlighted in Grid view and turned through 90 degrees. Not a big deal, but an irritant. Well, when I imported my first images from the Oly 17mm on the GX7, portrait snaps came in correctly oriented. So I went back and checked the GX7 with the Oly 9-18mm and, blow me down, those came in correctly too. So the fault appears to lie in earlier Panasonic MFT bodies which did not play well with Oly optics in this regard, and it’s nice to see this has been fixed.
Manual vs. autofocus:
MF is there if you must, but quite why you would want to use it beats me. It’s rather like a stick shift in a modern car where automatic gearboxes are far faster than any manual shift possible. The focus speed with AF is instantaneous to all intents and purposes. Need to focus off center? Pre-focus on the area of interest then take a first pressure on the button to lock focus, recompose and click. What could be simpler, faster or more accurate?
The provision of near-instant AF with the GX7/17mm Oly combination does more to obsolete any thoughts of a digital Leica M/35mm Summicron than any consideration of price, sensor size, quality of manufacture, bragging rights, you name it. I’ll have taken five perfectly focused images while the Leica user is still futzing with his focus collar, trying to get those small rangefinder images superimposed. As a street snapper, the Leica is obsolete regardless of affordability. Period.
Comparing the Oly optic with the Panny 20mm is no contest. In addition to awful flare, the Panny adds to its woes by making a noticeable grinding noise while struggling toward the focus point, where the Olympus optic is dead silent, making the Oly especially useful for movie makers. Sure the Panny optic is sharp, once it gets there (just avoid sun anywhere near the optical axis), but it’s probably best destined for architecture and landscape snappers with a tripod where focus speed is irrelevant. Static subjects, in other words. For that matter, an FF DSLR is a far better choice for this sort of work where definition tends to be the be all and end all, and weight is rarely a consideration.
To enter MF mode, the focus collar is pulled back toward the body where it clicks into place, disclosing the useless depth-of-field scale but providing real hard stops at closest focus and infinity. Nicely done. Focus peaking on the GX7 works fine (and especially so in poor light for MF mavens) but, for the life of me, I cannot engage the enlarged center of image focus mode which is so well engineered with Panasonic lenses. Switching the GX7’s body lever to MF makes no difference. If it’s in the extended instruction manual I cannot find it, but even a Talmud scholar would struggle to find anything in that abomination. Panasonic continues to make the worst user manuals in the universe.
Spare battery: Goodness knows who the supply chain genius at Panasonic is – probably Tim Cook moonlighting – but spare batteries for the GX7 remain unavailable, and will run $60 when they finally arrive in the US. I bought a $15 Wasabi spare and it works perfectly, both in the camera and in the charger. A spare or two make sense with the GX7 whose small size dictates an even smaller battery. You will be luck to get 300 snaps on a charge and if you pixel peep or use the camera’s wi-fi 150 is more realistic. Not great.
In Part III I will report on use of this lens on the streets.
Here’s a first snap at f/2, ISO1250:
Trust me on this one, you will like what you see.