The magic kit at work.

The ‘magic kit’ is none other than the Panny GX7 and the 17mm f/1.8 Olympus Zuiko , and this snap goes a long way toward showing why it is a magic combination. This was snapped into the sun and the Zuiko’s resistance to flare, its defining characteristic, is abundantly on show here.
Second, this serendipitous moment was literally gone in a blink. I raised the camere to my eye and instantly pressed the button. Then it was gone. The responsiveness of the GX7 is simply out of this world. So you win the lottery and give me the latest Leica M as a gift, in deep gratitude for all this blog has done for you over the years? Thanks, but I will sell the Leica tomorrow and buy a ticket to Paris. Nothing beats the GX7/Zuiko for this sort of thing. No AF on the Leica? Forget it.
Processed in Lightroom – all I did was fix the verticals (OK, I really had no time when snapping this) and clicked the B&W icon.
Fantastic. Wonderful all around, so many things here. And… you could not have planned for better light highlighting the profile of the gentleman in the corner.
Great photo. So was this shot on the Leica or Panasonic? I’ve been reading your posts for many years.
Thanks, Adam. If you believe in satire and actually click thorugh to the Amazon Leica ‘review‘, you will know the answer. – Ed.