A fabulous vista.

The no less fabulous optic used to snap this image was a 35 year old pre-Ai Nikkor, which cost me the shocking amount of $65 in mint nick. KEH is listing good used ones for under $40 currently. Another $30 saw a CPU installed for recording of correct EXIF data, and a few minutes sweat equity conferred the appropriate Ai relief on the rear flange for use with modern Nikons’ aperture followers.
The web image does not begin to do the original justice, as the large print on my wall testifies. Quite why Nikon users spend multiples of what I paid on modern plastic crap lenses when the real thing can be had for a song beats me. And if you are one of the landscape set, what on earth do you need OIS and AF for?
Nikon D700, 135mm f/3.5 pre-Ai MF Nikkor, ISO 400.