On Mission Street.
Panny GX7, kit zoom.
On Mission Street.
Panny GX7, kit zoom.
A curious exhortation in Union Square, SF, considering that retail dominates the area.
Panny GX7, 17mm Zuiko.
Bike and skateboard.
On Market Street, SF. Where else?
Panny GX7, kit zoom.
Paris in transition.
French photographer Charles Marville (1813-79) documented Paris before Baron Haussmann tore down the old city and built what we now know as the most beautiful city in western civilization. The narrow streets and crowding gave way to Haussmann’s magnificent Avenues and Boulevards, and Marville’s images are a fine record of the Paris of old.
The show is currently running at the Met in New York though May 4, 2014, and you can read more about the man and his mission in the NYT here.
Update March 2014: A fine piece from the NYT.
The real thing.
Classical photojournalism may be dying, replaced by the noise of Instagram and cell phones, but one of its greatest exponents, Jill Freedman, is still going strong.
Click the picture for the NYT Lens story.
The length to which she would go for a story or a good picture are remarkable. Click through to her blog here to read about her well known book Firehouse, documenting the tough lives of Bronx firemen.