Located on Grant Street in the heart of North Beach, you can get shoes, boots and clothing hand made here. Truly bespoke work.

Beautiful shoe selection.
The dressmaking area.
Measuring a customer for new boots.
The house pup – as decent an egg as you will meet.
Shoe lasts and tools.
Tools of the trade.
Cobbler at work. Nothing beats the 17mm Zuiko when the light source is in the frame.
Assorted leather goods.
The owner was so taken with my GX7 that I encouraged him to try it out, telling him he would not hear the electronic shutter. After he pressed the button thrice I told him he had it, as I posed in the lovely afternoon sun:

Me at Al’s Attire. I have looked better.
All snapped on the Panny GX7 with the 17mm Zuiko except the first (G1, kit zoom) and the third (Nikon D3x, 35mm f/1.4 Nikon G AF-S).