Leave it to America to use an insanely complex technology to produce something simple.
No, this time it’s not the idiotic Tesla which depends on coal powered electricity for a recharge while preaching global cleanliness.
Forget about stirring cream in a bucket to make ice cream the way Brunnhilde and thousands of earlier generations managed to do it. Instead, infuse liquid nitrogen into a (sort of) sealed vessel with your vanilla mixture at some 300F below freezing and after much labor you get ice cream.
The snag is that the process is highly labor intensive, needs fancy machines which look very failure prone to my eye (look at the heating/cooling cycle applied to those connecting pipes) and a business model which cannot possibly survive given low production volumes in a high rent area of the Bay Area peninsula.
I can see the headline. “15 customers die in liquid nitrogen explosion in Burlingame, CA.” .
And a fickle consumer focused on the latest in ‘Artisan’ this and ‘Artisan’ that. You know, the folks who pay $20 for a quarter pound of English cheddar. Pure BS, in other words.
Still, it’s mightily impressive to watch and this is the result. The pretty girl doesn’t hurt, either.

Making ice cream the high tech way.
My son Winston loved the ice cream, by the way. As he should, at the price asked.
Too bad Cryo Cream will be out of business three months’ hence.
iPhone 5 snap.