Lots of style.
I have long thought that the truly great waitresses in greasy spoons are answering a vocational call. My local place – Neal’s Coffee Shop close by Millbrae, a town far nicer than the yuppie infested Burlingame Avenue nearer which I live – boasts the best waitresses in town and they have been there forever. Rosie (what else?) has great style, is exceptionally professional and always ready with a kind word and a smile. Her voice is from somewhere beteween the bottom of a gravel pit and the bassoon section of the orchestra, and you probably would be wise not to mess with her.

One of the reasons Neal’s has so many regulars is the sheer professionalism of the staff. It may not be fancy but it has character, great food and class. Class? I can’t define it but I know it when I see it.
iPhone 6 snap – with results like this who needs a fancy, complex camera? Surely the stealthiest camera ever. Rosie had no idea I took this, thinking I was reading the screen. She is now in possession of a gorgeous 13″ x 19″ print of the above which is already a crop from the full frame. All those folks saying how MFT is good for 13″ x 19″ only, and you really need FF (this from people who never print) etc., etc., are victims of the most appalling technique, even if half their net worth is in their gear.